Tuesday, December 29, 2009
And when it knocks you down, just get back up, when it knocks you down..
i'll do great..
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
It has been a long long long long long long long long long time since i posted..
hmm, holidays have been filled with training and homework..
i havent completed my math, lit and art.. all half way done..
anyway, christmas is coming.. lalalalalaa.. merry christmas all.. it's like the eve tmr..
school's gonna start a few days after christmas..
i think i should have studied the last exam physics paper.. cause most of the questions were repeats. only the number changed.. omg.. wasted.. so wasted.. i hope i would pass anyway..
wish me luck! :D
okay okay.. today there was a humming aunty on the bus that hummed and hummed and hummed..
and so, we laughed and laughed and laughed.. so funny.. and i think she took a picture of us.. but we were sitting down properly.. really.
anyway, i got a really great laugh.. hahahahahaaaa..
tmr will be fun.
lynn good luck!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009

dressing room- i think it's a bit too simple.

kitchen- hehe. it's too messy ehh..

toilet- very cool stuff inside..
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
thanks to marina barrage, it wasnt terrible after all.
it made my day..
i thought marina barrage was going to be so green and grassy.
but in fact, it was also full of very cool technologyyyyy.
thanks to my cable, i cannot upload my photosssss!!
ohh i heard i am in the sec 4s netball farewell thing.
i dont wanna sing and dance, i know i will keep laughing on stage.
i hope it's not going to be like that..
me and tammy are daydreaming about doing the wrong stuff on stage.
and imagining if it will turn into a disco.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
some people from one class keep say our class.
nevermind, 1 faith people are very nice one.
will not because of this then fight with them.:)
i ran and ran yesterday, until my legs painnnn.
hahahhahhaa. school holiday is filled.
art have to be completed, training, studies.
i am going to do the career thing thing...
OH OH! before i forget, today is my sister's birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
she drank my drink.
lynn told her not to already.
plus plus, she was sick. x.x
anyway, teachers' day performance was so nice:)
especially the silly videos and miss liu, miss chen, miss wang, miss choo, miss chia and someone i forgot who.
i think oln's playground is very fun!!
all the teachers went home early today.
i saw yiting!!:D
Saturday, August 29, 2009
all fishes gone plus some dead.
some people were so violent.
they tried to fish the fish so quickly and start splashing about.
so fun. the 3d's game scared me.
when i came out, my heart was thumping so fast.
the people inside so ahhh!!
yi wei asked many people for the token.
then some people dont have but she keep asking.
end up only got 3 token only.
had to challenge reb in fishing.
guess who won?
of course me lah.
someone when to scare people with a dead fish.
poor fish. on dry land in someone's hand.
i played the fishing thing twice. it was fun.
but i had to give it to isabella cause she wants it and anyway,
the fishes gonna die already.
i think she left it at the carnival. maybe..
our stall is only beside the dunking thing.
haha. wahh see the people get dunk so funny.
even ms chen also got dunkk..:)
Friday, August 28, 2009
guess what?
i am giving out flyers!!
yipee!! it's better than sitting in the shop, doing nothing but watch-.-
ct3's over some weeks ago..
and results are back!
i didnt fail anyyy!!:D
and not all border line passes anyway.
i am feeling quite bored now.
i wonder what will happen tmr..
i think the idea is BAD..
fishes, no oxygen, dead.
:x i feel so bad.
anyway, it's not us that say it all, it's the monitorS.
we havent even seen the flyer's design.
we are not even untied.
like we cant even decide on the class tee thing and the monitors never even give US a chance to see and give comments to the games and all, we only have to speak up for ourslves, which is quite useless..x.x
we have got no say.
but i wanna earn $$. So...
please everyone,
save the fishes, go catch fishes from us.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
some of us cried.
>.< ' everything was fine until the part when we came back from that place. but my thing was with the used babies' diaper. -.- i feel disgusted. BOOHOOHOO!!!!! but lynn's sister was dam cute. when you sing, she'll look at you. HEY ALL, DONT FORGET: "A,B,C,D,E,F,G, HEY!
lynn sister was too touched by our singing that she cried and clapped at the same time.
how cool.
happy birthday anyway.
my mum allowed me to stay there until midnight. yipee!!
i should seriously learn to stay away from that girl.
that is only when i will not have many many trouble,
like jeralyn having many many coins.
sometimes, she should stay out of my life too.
ohh ohh.
i just remember a part when there was a cockraoch in the room.
bryna took a broom and tried to sweep it while i direct her as she dont dare to see the giantic thing.
so it moved, but we thought it was DEAD!
they all ran out of the room and asked lynn's brother's friend to help.
when i screamed, they all screamed and ran out.
he sprayed insecticide and swept it out.
lynn's spiderman cousin is dam cute.
bryna's boyfriend--spiderman and braces boy.
hahaha!!!!!!!!!! joking.
maybe we should change his name into super yoyo.
Friday, August 14, 2009
but someone changed my happy thought.
guess who? someone told me off.
forget it.
(not coach)
if it's as easy as you think, go do it. she think she can do better?
i just cant take the fact that she told me off that's all.
anyway, exam is over!!! heyooo!!
all the papers where fine.
cause i revised!!!
i just cant wait for tomorrow.
thanks to lynn. hahhahhahahaa!!!
i think tomorrow is going to be FANTASTICALLY FANTASTIC!!
hope i dont get muscle ache :x
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
i asked a question and this was what miss liu replied
" no darling."
(i turned back and gave the :P(YUCK!) face to reb)
then everyone started laughing.
i think i did something wrong today. (BY ACCIDENT)
JERALYN is the only thing that can help now.
did one leg hop around the class today. i feel so dumb.
cannot talk in chinese class nxt time. :x
hehe. i cant wait for saturday.
singapore idol audition is so funny.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
during netball,
when doing the worker thing, i passed the ball to joie too soon and WAH PIA!
it landed in her face. OMG! then her nose BLEED! DRIP,DRIP,DRIP.
and the blood was on her shirt! I AM SO SORRY JOIE!!
my eye got hit too.
heard punitha screamed for the very first time!
i realised that i wasted my 1 month++ thinking about stupid stuff.
yesterday, there were 5 absentees, today, there was 7!
i heard my blogskin is laggy. so i guess i have to change it.
training today was kind of okay.
that's all.
oh and my mouth touched claudia's cooler tip. ACCIDENTALLY!
저가 당신에 의하여 아픈 시킨다.
지금 나는 새것을 찾아냈다,
나는 위에 움직이고 그리고 당신 없이 떠나고 있다.
당신의 자신의 세계에서 행복한 꿈꾸기.
당신의 자신의 사랑 세계에서.
if you think the blogskin not nice, then too bad.
cause the other one was slow.
i hope this will be FASTER!
Friday, July 17, 2009
idk why. the problem is good on one side and bad on the other.
it's already set.
cant make a u-turn.
ohh whatever.
let someone play the maze game.
then she cried. OMG!
i didnt know this would happen.
i really didnt know.
i thought she was going to forget about it like all the others.
i didnt know, she--loud, look brave.
i really didnt know.
yi wei's reaction was so funny.
fun fun.
tired, tired.
bye, bye.
Now you'll never see
What you've done to me
You can take back your memories
They're no good to me
And here's all your lies
If you look me in the eyes
With the sad, sad look
That you wear so well
Friday, July 10, 2009

nice right? haha.
the end product was great. go check out. NOT copy.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
today, if anyone told you that i am angry with yi wei, fight with her.
this was what happened in school today...
came to school today, went to check if 1h ppl were there.
then talked to 小ballz. teehee..
after that, went back to class after a LONG talk.
jeralyn asked me" vanessa are you going to sit with yiwei today?"
(with unhappy look)
me"not sure yet"
so went back to 1h.
then came back again. this time, hui wen looked as if she was forcing me to shift place.
yes, i know you wanna sit with that new girl cannot ask nicely is it?
if you all asked nicely, i would have already given that place up.
btw, if you still dont know, that place she was sitting at was NOT my place.
why ask me to shift? i am not pushing the blame, but i think that it is really unfair to make me shift my place when iwee is not sitting at my place. it is rebbecca that is supposed to move.
i move got what use?
rebbecca sit at my place meh? NO!
of course is you sit with iw then make reb sit at your place right?whateverr.
ANYWAY, yi wei told me during recess that JERALYN and HUIWEN
told YIWEI to move my bag to yiwei's place. it's not like you got no hands what.
why you cannot take yourself?
want to push the blame to yiwei uh?
then say she put one is it? SHAME SHAME!!
idc whatever reason lah..
also, I AM NOT A DOG!
you cannot just asked me to do something when you are not even asking me nicely.
be nicer can? cannot then you still have to try to be nicer.
too bad.
小ballz, denise, tammy:)
hello isabelle WEE!
this girl is pur new classmate.
very nice girl.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
this week, i just found out that our thursday's P.E same as 2H's.
and today was fun.
went to cp with tammy, denise and jia min.
we went to wear the SEA CREATURE's specs.
>.< eekk! and took a pic!
dam! blind man!
then saw some people.. then BLAH BLAHH.
then went home. :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
hello! i am in natalie's house now!
okay, shall post about today.. when to houngang mall with jera, nat, heather and bryna. we eat, walk, and talk. then bryna got to go for table tennis, so i we went to nat's new house, nice:)
after awhile, got bored and so let heather play the lappy. the maze game. so dam funny. after the thingy came out, i scream, then all of them scream! AHHHH! so dam funny. ran out to throw rubbish. when i was about to turn to the corner, going back to the rm, natalie appeared and SCREAMED. AHH! she kana frighten. haha. heather didnt know actually about the maze she just happily played the thing and BOOM!
s |
Sunday, June 21, 2009
but then it turned out so messy and i am running out of time.
one more week till the school starts.
i dont know if i should be happy or sad.
i wonder who our form teacher will be.
cause it's too late,
there's no escape,
might as well face it,
we're stuck with each other
ain't nothin you can do about it,
it's been too long,
it's been too strong
cause we belong here,
we're stuck with each other.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
vanessachia is finally attached.
and she is happy:)
ok. i am lame.
anyway, i am bored and tired.
should be going out for lunch with lynn, natalie and heather on tuesday.
nothing much but still, it's something.
haha. got training again on wednesday.
i hope there will not be any 30 secs thing.
and my leg will not be too painful after that.
and also people will not be late and go training at wrong timing.
-$17 for sec one.-those who bought 1 tee and we also need $5 for bibs.
-report 10 mins earlier for training too!!
:) let's all hope. haha. whatever.
Friday, June 19, 2009
today, we are going to buy pizza for us.:)
anyway, i was reading g's blog when i realised i was read it from bottom to top.
but the post still makes sense. haha.
i think i am waking up too early.
only like 4 people online.
so boring. hey pig, come online now!!!
haha. just joking.
okayy that's all :)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
dont know if it's jealous or angry.
maybe it's both:o
just for some peanut thing.
if you think i did anything that (made you jealous) or (is wrong), say.
thank you VERY much.
if anyone wants to know who is the somebody, then you can ask me.
please do not guess who the person is.
i may not give you an answer. :)
anyway, school is going to re-open soon!
so fast uh.
then comes ct is it? or end year huh?
anyway, it's exam.
then work, work, work.
my leg mucles HURTS.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
with his honey girl.
it was weird.
anyway, I LOVE MY AH MAH!!
derek is a pig. :O--oink.
hey doggie. bark!! i have a treat for you.
the stray dog's poo! eat this. good dog.
i am seriously bored now.
why is restaurant city fun?
i dont know how to play it. all i see is the people cooking, eating, walking and serving.
i am doing nothing. tammy,tell me how to play it.
2.vanessa chia
3.janessa tay
6.richelle tang
8.geraldine tan
9.charlene goh
14.denise lim
How did you get to meet 7?
lynn; primary school.
What would you do if you and 13 never met?
beatrix; then i will be trouble free.
What would you do if 1 and 12 dated?
natalie+dashima; laugh all day?
Have you ever seen 14 cry?
denise; no.
Do you think 4 and 11 be a good couple?
chow+jeannette; nono. CRAZY!
Do you think 11 is attractive?
jeannette; yes i think.
What's 2's fav colour?
vanessa chia;err. idk.:P
When was the last time you talked to 9?
charlene; last year or start of this year.
What language does 8 speak?
geraldinetan;chinese and english?
Who is 13 going out with?
beatrix; no one?
What grade is 12 in?
Would you ever date with 10?
Where does 5 live?
heather;sengkang there?
What's best about three?
janessa; she's funny?
What would you want to tell 10 now?
yiting;how's the class gathering planing?
What's the best thing about 8?
geraldine tan;she's the craziest person in primary school.
Have you ever kissed 5?
What was the best memory you have with 7?
lynn; last year?
When's the last time you're going to see 6?
richelle tang; idk.
How is 14 and 12 different?
denise+dashima; err.. one is malay the other is chinese.
Is 6 pretty?
richelle; yes.
What's your first impression of 11?
jeannette; run!
How did you meet 5?
heather; err. in class?
Is 1 your best friend?
natalie; yeah. but she abandon me and a bunch for another friend.:(
Do you hate 12?
dashima; er. no?
Have you ever seen 4 last month?
chow; yes. even if i didnt, i will still say yes. maybe i did during netball.
When was the last thing you said to 3?
beatrix; haha.
Have you been to 5's house?
heather; nope.
What's the next time you're going to see 10?
yiting; hopefully this wednesday.
Are you close to 13?
beatrix; nope.
Have you ever been to a movie with 4 before?
chow; yes-.-
Have you ever gotten into trouble with 8?
geraldine; i think so.
Would you give 2 a hug?
vanessachia; yes.why not?
When have you lied to 3?
janessa; nope.
Is 1 good with socialising?
natalie; i think so.
Do you keep secrets about 9?
charlene; nope.
Describe the relationship between 12 & 14
denise+dashima; no relationship?
Best thing about your friendship about 9?
charlene; bus 74:D
What's the worse thing about 6?
richelle; nags like auntie:P
Have you ever had crush on 12?
dashima; never.
Does 14 had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
denise; nope. i dont think so.
Have you ever wanted to punch 1's face?
natalie; yeah, but i cant.
Has 2 met your mother?
vanessachia; nope.
How do get to know 3?
janessa; err. sec 1 class.
Did you ever physically hurt 3?
beatrix; yeah. her cheeks :P
Do you live close to 7?
lynn;not really.
What's 8 fav food?
geraldine; everything?
What kind of car does 1 have?
natalie; no car.
Have you ever travelled anywhere with 9 before?
charlene; no.
If you gv $100 to 14, what will he/she spend on?
denise; she will buy monkey stuffs.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
the cake was 3 layered.
OMG very nice.
got nothing to do there so i just sat around. with cousins and sisters.
some adults started dancing line dance is it?
haha. very funny.
after singing b'day song to jeff, they suddenly turned back and sang b'day song for nick.
he's jeff's bf.
he was shocked i guessed. haha.
some of the time, we went to gamesroom.
played table soccer. v.fun:D
that's about it. :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
it was fun and tiring. both P and M.
at night was best.
ahah.. miss my bed and everything in my house that includes my bed too obv.
after camp, went to cp with that ben 10. ate and drank. went to library.
then saw the apple juice lover: chew jing hui
just found out she got stead already. saw that guy. he was errrrrr..
i cant say.. haha.
anyway, then i took and bus home, and here i am. :D
i am very tired yes.
phewwww.. can sleep as long tonight.
love dragon boating. we came in first!!!haha..
my back muscles acheeeee!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
haha.. and my skin peeled off..
haha.. toe again.. my poor poor baby toe. haha..
anyway, we played dog and bone. the shooting version..
haha.. then we played netball after all things are done..
as i played as GA, i was defended. 2seniors and 1sec one.
it was fun. they are too good. haahaa..
and after playing with one sec3, my baby toe's skin came off..
haha..today was fun.. really fun:D haha.. okay.. now it's time for me to tell alien to call me..
I could stay awake just to hear you breathingWatch you smile while you are sleepingWhile your far away and dreamingI could spend my life in this sweet surrenderI could stay lost in this moment foreverWell, every moment spent with youIs a moment I treasureI don't wanna close my eyesI don't wanna fall asleep'Cause I'd miss you, babeAnd I don't wanna miss a thing'Cause even when I dream of youThe sweetest dream will never doI'd still miss you, babeAnd I don't wanna miss a thing
Saturday, May 30, 2009
firstly, you told people that someone and someone was together.
let's name them a and b.
then, the news came to me and i told b that you went to spread.
then you went to tell b that I, was the one who MADE IT UP!
like real! god knows what you did okay?
go look into my eyes and tell me that i was the one who made this whole thing up.
stop trying to get close to all the seniors then get support from them.
so all you ever cared was yourself isnt it?
pushing the blame to others.
even jt told me you were the one who told her.
stop lying. if you are going to be like that for this whole 4 years,
i think you should go do some self-reflection. it's good.
what proof do you have that the news wasnt spread by you?
is it a germ or a virus that could spread by itself?
go do self-reflection lah.
think about it. it's not fair to me.
if you dare, look into my eyes and say that i made the whole thing up.
oh i forgot tell beatrix and jt that THEY MADE THE WHOLE THING UP.
i'm not lying. :l
just watched boys over flowers!
omg! next episode is such a disaster.
i wonder who the hell did that kind of thing!!! ahhgg!!
but leeminho straightened his hair! looks very cute!!:D
Truth be told I miss youTruth be told I'm lyingWhen you see my faceI hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hellWhen you walk my wayI hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hellIf you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you wellThen he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hellNow you'll never seeWhat you've done to meYou can take back your memoriesThey're no good to meAnd here's all your liesIf you look me in the eyesWith the sad, sad lookThat you wear so wellWhen you see my faceI hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hellWhen you walk my wayI hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hellIf you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you wellThen he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell
Thursday, May 28, 2009
sometimes, i think i better not.
sometimes, i think i hate you alot.
sometimes, i think i dont hate you that much.
sometimes, i wonder why people hate you.
sometimes, i wonder why people love you.
maybe my feelings change.. just depending on my mood.
and how nice the person treat me. you? idk. see lohh.. my mood.
today in hall sang some old mac donalds. mad right?
give me more lovin then i've ever had.make it all better when i'm feelin sad. tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not.make me feel good when i hurt so bad. barely gettin mad, im so glad i found you.i love bein around you. you make it easy, as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)theres only one thing two do three words four you.
i love you.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
it seems so quiet and no fun is going on anywhere.
except sometimes.. it's getting more and more and more and more scarry each day.
i dont know what. i dont know how.
am i going to carry on like this?
or maybe someone will do something.
You're on the phoneWith your girlfriendShe's upsetShe's going off aboutSomething that you saidShe doesn't get your humorLike I doI'm in my roomIt's a typical tuesday nightI'm listening to the kind of musicShe doesn't likeShe'll never know your storyLike I doBut she wears short skirtsI wear t-shirtsShe's cheer captainAnd i'm on the bleachersDreaming about the dayWhen you wake up and findThat what you're looking forHas been here the whole timeIf you could seeThat i'm the oneWho understands youBeen here all alongSo why can't youSee you belong with meYou belong with me.
Friday, May 22, 2009
today, i am going to talk about someone again..
her feelings change like the weather..
she is rather weird..
freak maybe.. MAYBE.
she'll come tagging. if she read this.
if you know who, please call ..........:D
hahha.. nevermind.. joking.
so bored now.
You told me there's no need To talk it out Cause its too late To proceed And slowly I took your words No looking back I wont regret, no I will find my way I'm broken But still I have to say It's Alright, OK I'm so much better without you I won't be sorry Alright, Ok So don't you bother what I do No matter what you say I wont return Our bridge has burnt down I'm stronger now Alright , Ok I'm so much better without you I won't be sorry .
these words may be taken back.. hahahha..
Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
but i celebrated it early today..
hehe.. gave mum a "toy" flower..
hehe smart right? haha.. the others gave real flowers..
anyway.. mom love it all..
gave my granny bunch of real flowers..
haha.. long story why.. haha.. she loves it too.
haha.. anyway, happy mother's day to all mums!!
saw yi ting and rachel rena..
yiting became so enthu and poppy.. haha..
rachel? as talkative as always.. haha..
Thursday, May 7, 2009
i think i will fail..
when it was supposed to be essay writting,
i wrote only a few lines.
i can only hope not to fail..
god bless me!!
okay this morning,
very sad..
walked into ct venue.
loads of people were there near my table..
at my table uhh.
so of course went there..
then heard beatrix say.
let's stop talking about the (she did some hand mouth thing)
and leane laugh laugh lor.
so i felt sort of left out.. then i thought they were talking about me.
i though.. i am not sure.. really.
then went to look for yi wei..
she also abit weird. so how..
her reaction to certain things.
then beatrix came to cut in..
i hate that.. she start pulling wei wei's cheeks and then yi wei played with her and ignored me..:(
sucker, sucker, sucker.
so i sat with huiwen and kagome..
started talking..
but then after awhile,
had to go to the basketball court..
so went there and in class, going out,
yi wei pulled my hand and said something(i cant tell you)
but then the worst part was when she pulled it my hand swung and piak!
it hit kagome's butt.. awww! i looked back and saw kagome looking..
then i told yi wei .. she was finally smiling.. :D
then she was back to normal luhh.. to me..
that's about it..
there's also some interesting thing that happened when boarding the bus..
so enjoyable.. haha..
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
played that stupid machine..
that money sucker..
but then i got this toy..
i was scared at first..
but then it was okay
position: 9
i almost got 8..
but vantrice sprinted past me..
nevermind i am still very happy..
sorry all..
i am very sian to post now..
so shall just post for yesterday..
oh oh..
everything is cleared noww..
Friday, April 24, 2009
beatrix. do i even look like i bloody hell care about what you think about me?
i care more about what i think about you, you know?
what are you trying to say huh?
that you ARE always the right one?
okay.. yes you are..
ohh.. BEATRIX have everything right..
she's the best.. i am the worst..
i have changed-worst, you have change into a better personn yeah..
whatever beatrix.. i am so gonna change..
and why the hell did people say your friend was chio..
what the hell?!
go wash your eyes..
who said i like your friend..
please go get your ears checked..
when did i say that i like her..
if i ever like her, the sky will drop..
please get your facts right..
and dont tell people that i like her..
my sis also commented ..
no i wont tell you if it's a good comment or not..
but it's sort of obvious..
anyway.. that's so dumb..
and yeah i offened your friend..
is one of them
ohh.. if yes,
please think again..
will i ever treat a person badly if she didnt show me attitude or irritate me?
so the conclusion is..
-go wash your eyes
-go dig your ears..
thank you so much.. for your kind understanding..
now back to schooll.
went for stupid random test..
then i got 6 for incline pull up..
OMG. it mean i got e-1
means i cannot get gold already!
people you all can laugh if you want..
then during history make-up lesson,
i played tried to open my highlighter using one hands..
but instead, the cap hit my eyes..
and i started laughing like mad..
OMG.. haa.. miss wong thought i was crazy haha..
okay.. then dashima and janessa thought so too..
but of course, i explained to them..
whatever. haha.. i am mad.. heee..
okay then visited OLN
saw jing hui.. so cute!!
she got long hair!!
EEKKK.. so cutee!!
so girly..
she told me she wanted to become girly-er.
she's so funny..
i like the see-saw..
so funny.. had fun bumping on the seat..
dam dam.. tammy.. hehe.. the one that made me bump it.. heheeee.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
yeah.. how i wishh i could go back again..
then there will be more good things happing..
some people in my class is like a senior attention seeker..(SAS)
haha.. whatever..
they can do what they like,
but i just dont like to see them doing these things..
so went to cp with janessa-s and dashima..
i had funn.. thanks all!
saw many people..
many seniors..
SAS should be there too..
so sad they were not..
they are the lamest bunch people in my class this year..
skin super thick..
okay anyway, my sister is pushing me..
so it means i have to go..
my younger one.. AHAHA!!
reply to beatrix:
i cant believe you more than you cant believe me.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
no, not going to tell you who they are..
i wish people could just not be so calculative and annoying..
ifyou think alumminum foil is way better than bringing tape,
you can exchange that with me you know..
just tell me.. when the other bring staws,
what do you say?
i dont like what you say.. i really dont..
instead of thinking of better ideas, why must you complain?
if you thinking you can do a better job, why dont you tell me about your idea and we'll go according to your brillant idea..
sparetyre-ing sucks..
you make me get a very bad impression on you..
okay.. it's getting from bad to worse..
i just feel like taking a chopper and chop that head of yours off..
seeing you making more friends and more friends day by day is a torture to me..
i wonder after making friends with them, what will happen next?
maybe i should just see your friends get tortured like me after awhile..
and .. i realized you made a bestfriend and you two broke off as enemy..
i know..you know.. who that person is..
whatever it is,
i am tired of doing this again and again..
the second person:
i know you are pissed.
fine it's my fault okay?
why cant you understand these words: she was just joking
hah! okay.. read this post and start hating me..
if you can post about me, why cant i?
maybe you are not talking about me..
but i am like99.99999% suree..
so.. i am there TRYING to pull you back up..
but you?
sitting there; refuse to budge..
what can i do?
if i try to move you away,
will you think i am annoying?
if i leave you there,
will you still hate me?
i guess. i am the fool.
trying to push you but you are still like a kid crying helplessly on the ground..
so i think leaving you alone is the best thing to do now..
i am sure you think the same.. i think..
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009

okay so, now i am back!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
okay.. i am talking about someone..
she is like really freaking me out!!
i am going to have depression soon...
but nvm..
anyway i shall start with my day..
went to school..
ohh ohh.. it was raining!!
omg lah!
so nice to sleep.. but i cant!!
then went to swimming..
it was quite fun quite not fun..
that's about it..
tomorrow is good friday.. must take the time do my homeworkk..
Friday, April 3, 2009
went to school.. went to locker..
then study study study..
monitor one for our class okayy..
no interview..
so punitha
nicole ong..
shouldnt comment abt anything here..
went for netball after school..
ran like so long..
then we trained trained trained.
then we played netball..
was quite shocked that i could actually shoot most of the goals.
played as ga..
i thought i was going to miss all the shots..
haha.. then went cp..
bought ice-cream
then went home..
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
ate at pizza hut.. there was her tution friends too!
after they went to the toilet,
we took their bags and ran off..
then i went to buy plasters at watsons..
just because of my feet that got blisters..
i was limping like a crazy woman..
limping/running. cause we were so called playing a hide and seek with her tution friends..
haha.. but the nan chiau one got to go. so we had to give her bag back..
so sad..
before eating, i saw shirnese.. she re-born her hair..( is that how you spell that?)
she slimed down too!
waohh!! but she is still as loud as ever..
oo and and, i saw joanna..
she looks the same.. but i didnt see her actually, until she called heather..
haha.. didnt talk for long..
then i also saw sally and cherlyn..
didnt do much.. oh i saw sherlyn too!
wah all so free.. haha..
bye for now!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
waiting for bryna to say if she is going on the so called outing..
if she is then i will go but if she is not going then i wont go..
alien's birthday today anyway..
dont say i nvr wish you hor!
or ppl will see you with the butcher..
waiting to become alien soup..
talked to yiting just now.. it's like she didnt want to be in her class.
poor girl.. she wanted to plan outing for 6grace but then she said many ppl will not be free.
this outing is totally different from the above one..
oh yes before i forget, i want to wish kelly a happy early birthday too..
in case i forget to just say it now.
i didnt wish quite a few ppl in my class happy birthday.
so i shall say happy belated birthday to ppl like nimita, janetta etc..
to all,
:D thats all..
Friday, March 13, 2009
red team lost like they were the last..
but nvm.. it's okay one.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
went to compass point today with janessa tay, alien, bryna and elaine.
half way, elain went back home. so fast lah!
on our way there, alien and elaine were playing like crazy mokeys on the road..
the rest of us were laughing like mad dogs..
ate at macs.. were joking and laughing at what we were saying..
then went to some shops where elaine can buy her thing.
after buying it, she went home..
then things got very bad..
it was when alien and janessa tay started running away leaving me and bryna alone..
but OF COURSE, we managed to chases them back.. and yah..
then it got better..
soon, things turned bad again..
me: (got curious, so i looked) oo..(shouted something)
that person looked up and saw us!
ahh!! then we walked to where we wanted to go.. but still,
we looked like stalkers.. but no, we aren't..
then went back home after like 2 mins there..
let's talk about the morning..
it was sort of fun but after something happened.
but nvm.. nimita told us stories/jokes..
it's quite fun anyway..
okay.. should stop here.. byee!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
ate so dam much.. SO full now..
fat, fat, fat!
when i went there, all went back already, so, SO BORING.
then saw some crabs and baby octopus.. caught by my cousins and sisters.
there were even hermit crabs. so then, i went to catch some too!
dad help me catch this dam beautiful crab.. but had to let it go in the end cause dad said that
the crabs cant live in our house, it'll die..
then of course let in go.. so sad:( haha.
the birthday girl gonna have private party later in the night..
so we went home early..
the internet is like going weirder and weirder day by day..
first , i cant log into msn,
then i have a little problem to enter blogger.
then facebook lagging!!
it was still F-I-N-E this morning!
nevermind.. YAYY!! Got netball training tommorrow!!
woohooo!! fun fun fun!! andd the good thing about it is FATS VANISHES.. i think.. haha..
okay. only blogger and ebuddy fine now..
if i did, i would have been playing with my cousins..
"sighs" never mind that..
my younger sister staye at the chalet, my older sister went out with her friends.
so left me lor. anyway, i changed my blogskin.
my art sucks i know i drew the horsey so out of shape then the painting like muffin!
nevermind.. the chalet was awesome!! so nice like a cottage, that's why it's called changi cottage i think haha.. will be uploading the pictures in facebook.
staying there was quite boring except for some parts which was FUN!
then left there abt 1.30 like that.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
it was REALLY FUN!!
those people were really funny..
netball training again yesterday..
did many things..
more than the other lesson but, it's still FUN!!!
did the imaginary chair thingy.. so tiring..
many people from other schools came into our school for DEBATE..
I WANT TO WATCH! but i think it's very late that time so FORGET IT!
after netball took 161 home.. with tammy..
she wanted to buy MR.BEAN.. but hah! NO $!!
hehehehe.. so i didnt miss my 161..
going to cousin's birthday party later..
at a CHALET! 21st birthday..
it's raining outside noww..
i am feeling very bored..
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
did more than what we did last week..
we did:
passing- and i know i suck at it..
then running around the basketball and netball court like 7 rounds..
running again- the one where we ran more and more each time that one..
the stairs thingy.. where we jump up two flights of stairs there i quite a few styles..
after netball, i stayed behind and played for awhile..
with some seniors.. then after that gave my position to one senior that wants to play..
so went home after that lor..
due to the heavy rain today, i cannot come home straight after i eat.. so, i did my homework..
not alot.. still okay lor.. then leane and heather wanted to rush home so followed them,
took a bus home.. left that ashikin ( is that how you spell her name??) there alone..
okay lah with rachel tan lor.. so poor thing. sorry ashi!
ahh!! i need to rush the music assignment by today.. byee!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
not that tough still okay lahh..
did like more than 300 passes but still fun..
played some running, running games..
the time flew very quicky anyway..
then times up le.. so of course go home lah!
so reach home do chinese homework then watche tv then eat
then play comp!! wee hee!!
trying for the new class blog now.. byee..
Monday, February 16, 2009
(bad news)
like got tricked by someone.. i cant believe that i actually believed her words..
dont even dare to trust her now.. shouldnt say her name..
(good news)
haha.. this news is like dam shiok!
cause,,,,, i got into netball!!
haha of course happy lah..
bryna didnt..quite shocked actually..
cause she is once a netballer but i am not..
but still, she got into table tennis.. not bad right? but, she dont want..
today is like dam funny..
tell you all another day..:D
CT geo ok lor..
go sleep le byee!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
saw jiamin so talked to her.
she sound so ke lian(poor thing).
she was talking about netball training.. not about the toughness..
but about the lonelyness.. so poor thing.. she looked like she was going to cry..
got monitor's investigure.. so funny lah.. weird tooo.. i mean those that went on stage..
jia min dam poor thing though punitha also inside but she still so lonely..
punitha also never really talk one.. yah she have lah but not alot..
Monday, February 2, 2009
you can never guess how much trouble he caused in school when he is only primary 1..
one FINE day, he was walking when he told his teacher that he's heart hurts.
so the teacher believed him and called his father. so the father thought it was true and
came from wherever he was. when he arrived, my nephew told his father..
i see you my heart not pain already..
hah! he told it was a joke but no it wasnt..haha..
yah of course he got scolded..
went for house practice today..
it was quite ok.. cause we played CAPTAIN'S BALL!!
1/4 of the game wasnt enjoyed because of *** who acted like the best player.. but we won after all so it was ok.. dont balme *** already lah..
Friday, January 30, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
realized that vernetta is ms koh's student hahaa..
dont know what cca to join lah..
i dont know what to do now...
the himework just done..
teacher didnt really explain the thing to us so dont understand what to do..
just surffing the net like ahga ahga one..
wednesday got house practice again!!
got so much homework la! and somemore some dont understand de..
then thurday got what swimming enrichment?!!
just so busy la...........................................................
so many dont understanded homework somemore..
SO MANY BLANKS!! or else just like crap answers lah..
dont really get the question..!!
so stressed but happy..
still got math and geo jy!! haha..
Monday, January 19, 2009
it was okay. until elaine sprayed water on me!!!
arghh!! ETHEL LIM !!
you all wont understand anyway, dont get the wrong idea arhh!!
pavitra you know right?? but dont tell hor! heyy people who reads my blog!!
nothing much lah.. bye!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
leane too!!
haha.. BUT must go for interview..
what should i say huh?
i dont know lah.. PTM that tim so dam super funny la..
the letter.. woo leane rmb??
haha.. aiyo then the yi wei act like hawklike that but very funny..
like sort of like going to school this few days..
cos it's fun la..
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
forgotten to bring my science practical book so very huang..
then called dad.. he didnt pick up the phone so called home..
mum picked up and told her what.. then called dad again.. he picked up..
so then i told him la.. then he was like huh so long le now then you say..
so lucky it was still quite early.. then i said forget it..
BUT BUT.. he still came..haha..thanks! so didnt huang anymore..
he left it in the general office and i went to collect it after bryna told me mum called her many times..
went to the hall then some students showed us a powerpoint of their trip to japan..
looks fun..!
then went back class that time asked the teacher if we needed to hand in the SP bk.
then she said yes.. wah then i was like phewwwww...
studied studied.. maths was fun..
d & t nothing much..
chinese.. ok lor..
now i like chemistry because it is FUN!
haha.. the teacher not so bad la.
then went to CP to buy file and book.
some out of stock, so i have to buy it tmr!
okay, so that's abt it!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
but still enjoyed it..
shall take abt my instructors..
1f1--ethel lim
1f2--vernetta gan
ethel first..
small in size
all of them so nice to us..
went to chijmes like it was the very first time going there..
quite boring there..
but quite fun also.. haha..
campfire so nice..
the item that time SO many of us want to go to the toilet like crazy..
so like cant really concentrate..
the 'witch' laugh that time like siao like that..
so i cannot listen or i will also laugh..
that hui wen and pavi like crazy also keep making me laugh..
last night so weird..
dreamt abt camp..haha..
this morning like cried while laughing..
nice sleep last night not the night before..
there is this game called caterpillar..
OMG! so sick! haha..and difficult..
then the pingpong and water one..
then broken telephone..
and then the find sticker that one haha..
cant think of anything le..
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
bad.. got scolded..ON THE FIRST DAYY!!
so sad lahh. recess have to sit with class..:(
the national pledge say so fast lahh!!
so scared going to school now.. so scared nvr bring my things again..
then will get scolded AGAIN!!
went back to OLN!
ms koh wasnt there:(
all the teacher in a rush when we reached there..
saw mrs HOT..haha..left a note for ms koh!!haha..
i dont know what to say lah..